How Often Do You Need To Check Your Electrical Installation?

Jun 27, 2023

Maintaining electrical safety is one of the most important things, whether it’s your home or office. But most people call an electrician when they face any problem with their electrical system. Electrical fittings aren’t a one-time investment; regular maintenance is required to ensure their safety. You can call an efficient electrician in Brighton to check your electrical installations thoroughly. Here’s a quick guide to understand how often you must check your electrical fittings.

Do Your Electrical Fittings Require Regular Inspection?

Electric installations don’t indicate an issue until its condition worsens. And this is surely not the situation you would want to deal with. Regular inspection can keep your place secure and save you from accidents and expensive repairs.

Residential electrical inspection & testing:

Residential property needs regular inspection and testing every five to ten years after an electrical installation. You will also need this test if you’re buying or selling a property.

Landlords electrical inspection & testing:

This must be carried out every five years or whenever occupancy changes. A Landlords Safety Certificate indicates whether there is any issue with an electrical installation and whether it’s safe to use.

Commercial electrical inspection & testing:

As per relevant regulations, commercial or business premises need to ensure that all of their electrical installations are safe to use. Hence, carrying out an  Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) every three to five years is recommended.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT):

These tests involve inspecting items that aren’t fixed wiring parts. This is why they don’t fall under the premises’ electrical testing. However, we recommend testing them every three to twelve months as per their usage.

There are two kinds of electrical installation tests that need to be carried out by a professionally-skilled electrician:

Visual Inspection Report (VIR), and

Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). Let’s quickly have a look at them.

VIR: Visual inspection is where the electrician checks the sockets, fuse board, lights, switches,  plugs, earthing and bonding, cables and leads, visible signs of wear and tear, and burning. After inspection, a Visual Inspection Report is generated.

EICR: This involves a more detailed inspection than a VIR and helps to detect problems that couldn’t be identified in the latter. A certificate is provided after completing the check.

Kingfisher Electrics has a team of the best electricians in Brighton and nearby areas. Contact us today or check our website for more information about our services.