Unknown Facts About EICR’s That A Customer Needs to Know

May 12, 2021

Are you the proud owner of a beautiful house? You may have planned out the construction, interior design and decorations minutely to make the place a dream home. How about the inspection of the electric installation within the house? We feel this is something more important than any of the other things that you have taken care of.

EICR or Electric Installation Condition Reports are formal documents that you should get from a certified electrician after a complete assessment of your home’s electric conditions. Over the years, your electric installation may deteriorate. Since cables are hidden inside the walls, it is not always possible for you to know the situation. Hence, getting an EICR in Brighton completed is a reasonable option.

Reasons behind conducting an EICR

Age of the construction project

For domestic and commercial properties which are older than ten years, an EICR is mandatory. The primary reason being time must have depreciated the quality of the electrical installation within such a property. Age is undoubtedly a crucial factor that decides on the need for EICR for a particular property.

Nature of the property

What kind of property is this? Is it a simple domestic building or a glorious apartment with facilities like theatres, swimming pools etc. in the case of simple structures with no such facilities, you can avoid having an EICR for a long time. However, when it comes to buildings with swimming pools and other such facilities where the electricity consumption is high, EICR’s should be conducted not only once but more than once in 5 years.

Check against electricity vandalism

If you feel that your electric bills are far too high, then immediately hire a professional for an EICR in Brighton. Check the electricity consumption units mentioned in the bills. Excess electricity consumption suggests vandalism or misuse of electricity from external sources.

Signs of damage

If you see danger signs like sparks, flashes, fluctuating electrical voltages, please be sure that it’s time to get the EICR done. As a resident of the house, you need to be alert all the time when it comes to electrical installations. Even if the property is not old enough, there can still be cases where an internal fault may give rise to electrical issues. So, this is a valid reason anytime to get a professional EICR completed.

Change of occupancy

If the occupancy of domestic property changes, then it is advisable to get the property verified by a professional and get an EICR report. For instance, if you move into a new rented house, you’re new to the whole premises. You wouldn’t have any clue regarding any electrical issues that might have preexisted in the property. Instead of being paranoid, it’s better to get the installation tested and enjoy a peaceful stay!

There’s no legal compulsion for the house owners to have EICR conducted in the property. However, before engaging in any new electrical installations like sockets or lighting, EICR’s are necessary to check the conditions of the existing electrics. Kingfisher Electrics is a trustable name where you’ll find certified professionals who are capable of conducting EICR’s on any property.

In case you’re planning on moving to a new place, or getting your home renovated, check the electrics out first. Call us and book the best professional electricians in Brighton and Hove who will conduct the necessary EICR on your property and get you an authentic report, fast.