What is an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)?

Mar 25, 2023

An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is a comprehensive inspection of the electrical wiring and associated components of your property. It is used to certify that all electrical installations are safe and meet safety standards. The report will include any recommendations for repairs or further testing that needs to be done in order to make sure the electrical system complies with current regulations.

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What Does an EICR Brighton Check?

The purpose of an EICR is to check that all electrical installation work meets the requirements of the applicable legislation, and that it’s safe for use. The report will cover a range of tests including visual inspections, insulation resistance tests, earth fault loop impedance tests, operational testing, etc. In addition, the report may also include recommendations for remedial works such as rewiring or additional outlets being fitted.

When Should You Have an EICR Done?

It’s recommended that you have an EICR carried out at least every 10 years in domestic properties, and more frequently if there has been a major change such as new appliances being installed or changes in the layout of rooms or other parts of the building. This applies to both rented and owner-occupied properties alike. It’s also important to have any electrical work carried out by a qualified electrician who can provide certification on completion. This ensures compliance with current regulations and minimises any risk of harm caused by incorrect wiring or faulty components.

Kingfisher Electrics

An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is essential for ensuring your home’s electrical system is safe to use and compliant with current regulations. It should be carried out at least every 10 years in domestic properties, but more frequently if there have been major changes like new appliances being installed or changes in the layout of rooms or other parts of the building. Don’t take any risks – get an EICR today!